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Saturday, 7 September 2013


With the current climate involving Birds of Prey a season review should be straight forward, as much as I want to list success/failure of the sites that I monitor, I do question it due to a small minority perhaps using the numbers against peregrines.
I know if people want to find out how many there are in London they will do, in an ideal world I could put the numbers and sites down here without thought or hesitation. Obviously due to the Capitals size and numbers of high rise buildings and structures, it was always going to be a magnet for peregrines, much the same as New York.
I have to say It has been a good year, as I have said in the past, if they all get their act together at the same time I would have my hands full, from recent posts this year you will know, not only were they full but many got their act together.
Of the sites that I can name, Parliament as you know failed; from earlier posts you will know that for some inexplicable reason they changed position on the nest site building. Poor nest site location, exposure and egg rolling was there downfall. The nest building is also due for demolition so it looks as if an alternative site will have to be found. So far they have ignored the nest box on Parliament, there are 2 other buildings that I know they use which are possibles for a new box.
It looks like the building which will replace the current nest site building is not going to be peregrine friendly so unless they accept the Parliament box it’s got to be a new nest box /tray on another building.

The Parliament nest box

A peregrines view

Nathalie’s site at Charring Cross Hospital fledged 3 juveniles but one was lost quite early on but pleased to say the other 2 made it.The real good news is that one of the juveniles has been relocated after leaving the site; it has now turned up in Brighton! A real success story.
Juvenile numbers this year were my highest, 2 broods of 4 were also noteworthy, I am still waiting for that elusive 5 brood in London although I have had one in Kent. This year 3 sites were ringed with the plan next year to ring 4 or more obviously depending on the success rate.

This year has also seen a pair of Peregrines at the centre of a dispute on a Tower block, it looks like there presence and the Schedule 1 laws has resulted in a legal battle between 2 parties, the tenants and the block owner. This is on-going so I can’t comment too much on it.
I was fortunate enough last week to also grab a long weekend away in Brixham, Devon, when time allowed I walked the cliffs in search of peregrines and another target bird, Raven. Raven was seen distantly but would not give themselves up for the camera but I did catch up with an adult female and juvenile male peregrine.
She seemed darker than the urbanite peregrines that I am used to watching but it is possible that this was down to the early morning light. Whatever it was, it was a pleasure watching her thermaling with a number of Herring Gulls with the juvenile down lower, no stress or aggression from either species so no doubt a regular occurrence. Photos below of both.

Unmistakable outline, an approaching female

Juvenile male

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