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Thursday, 27 March 2014

New Cam - 4th egg laid

I must admit when first seeing the 4 eggs, I thought great she has equalled last year but then looked again at the clutch.
Looking at the most left hand egg appears to show a cracked egg at first glance, however, I kept watching and when the Tiercel arrived the wind buffeting showed it up for what it was, a feather stuck to the egg!
I suspect the 4th egg was laid on Thursday, probably just before mid day, so taking it now that the clutch is complete, I have only ever seen one brood of 5, I expect hatching to start around April 24th.

March 27th 12.51pm

13.01pm - left hand egg appears cracked



I watched the pair on Monday morning from the exterior and in common with most Tiercel's, he tried to incubate twice, both times arriving with no prey. This was never going to work as the Falcon refused to budge, not to be outdone he then flew to a stash site, retrieved prey and flew back to the nest site.

Tiercel with prey

This was all she needed, prey was taken and he waddled past her to incubate, she then headed for the roof to feed. There are similarities with my wife Christine here, if I bring home a takeaway, I can go   out bird watching, I know how the Tiercel thinks.

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