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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Looking good

Before Christmas I made a nestbox for a coastal area site which was placed a short while ago after the pair failed last year, the idea being to give them an established nestbox long term.
Last week I received confirmation from the land owners, the resident pair have taken a shine to the box and signs are looking very good for the coming breeding season.
Like me they, the landowners, are obviously very pleased that after everyone’s hard work in making it happen, it looks as if the reward could be breeding in 2013, fingers crossed.

They even placed a CCTV camera, as you can see below, they like the box and its position, thanks go to the land owners for allowing me to use this photo.

On February 3rd I again bumped into a Hybrid which I believe is the same bird that I saw on May 29th 2011, again it was holding to an ex Peregrine site.
As mentioned in other posts it is possible that this bird could have caused the resident pair to move, or the pair could have just moved naturally. Additionally I find it hard to believe that a hybrid could move the pair on knowing how territorial and aggressive they can be to other peregrines. Additionally larger birds of prey like Buzzards or Red Kites also get the treatment if they stray into peregrine territory; I would have thought that this hybrid would have received the same.
It is hard to understand them leaving a successful fledging site of 2 juveniles in 2011, the bond and tie to a successful nest site is very strong so it does make me wonder.

Last year this hybrid was present occasionally at this site also, the pair from 2011 hardly made an appearance, I am watching it most weekends to see if they show up again.

The photos are poor, the weather as usual, but scoping it showed the same overall grey tones and head markings first seen in the blog entry under Hybrid, May 30th 2011.

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