Pleased to say that the ringing went well with John (Black), we managed to ring 2 broods, both containing 4 a piece, both looked around 3 to 3 ½ weeks old, at this stage it is a little hard to sex them. Saying that there were ones that were slightly larger, you do tend to lean towards these being female but it is still a little early to be definite. The new green rings unfortunately, despite being well warmed up previously, were defective and we broke at least 6 trying to get them on the 1st brood. Consequently there was not enough for the 2nd brood and we had to use the standard Orange rings.
John at work |
Although we rung 2 sites this year the plan for next year will be to ring 4 or 5, of course this all depends on successful breeding and additionally it can only be done on sites that are accessible and with the Landowners consent. The main thing however is that we are in and out in as short a time as possible with the minimum amount of stress to the family.
I also had some other news this week from the LPP, the Parliament Peregrines, the forerunners for this blog have unfortunately failed this year, I expect them now to return to Parliament. For those who are not aware the pair do not nest at Parliament but instead use another building a mile or 2 away. This building is now scheduled for demolition, there is the possibility that the new structure that replaces it could have an added nest hole/ledge but much depends whether or not the building is ‘peregrine friendly’. The modern design of glass/metal with no ledges available for breeding and fledging juveniles is totally unacceptable.
The week has also been eventful in relocating a pair that went off the map 3 years ago, my thanks go to Nigel Colclough and Mark Thomas of the RSPB for contacting me, after a meeting with the site owners on Friday I learnt that demolition of the site is not scheduled until September. For next year I have 2 other alternative adjacent nest site positions in mind that may well give them a solid long term position.
Tiercel bringing in Feral Pigeon on Sunday |
The stare |
Coughing up a Pellet |
I was out at dawn on Sunday morning and for once the weather was good, it looks like it will stay this way all over the Bank Holiday. Referring to April 20th blog and the new female I finally got a good look at her today and she is ringed, only a short glimpse but enough to note a metal BTO ring, I could not see if she had a colour ring but with further visits will be able to confirm.